Super Junior

Super Junior

Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Superbusy Schedule!

I have a super, super busy schedule. Let me tell you why my schedule is so packed. Here comes my schedule:

Monday : Stay back until 4.30pm for training, reach home at 5pm and go to tuition at 7pm.
Tuesday : It is also the same, stay back until 4.30pm for training, reach home at 5pm and go to tuition at 7pm.
Wednesday : Extra co-curricular activities until 5pm and reach home at around 5.30pm.
Thursday : Stay back until 4.30pm for my Japanese class and reach home at 5pm.
Friday : Go back home at 12.30pm, go for tuition at 4pm, back from tuition at 6pm, and go for another tuition  
             at 7pm.

Saturday and Sunday: FREEDOM!!! 

As you can see, my weekdays are packed with activities. Furthermore, I have to do my homework after that. On Saturdays & Sundays, it has always been my only time to study. So, as a matter of fact, I really do not have any rest at all!

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